Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Too Hot For Shoes and Anything But A Summer Dress.....

Today I was just too hot to wear anything else... But I love this summer dress!
Also, just a side note...i had a horrible time trying to get a picture of myself. You ladies always look so great in ALL your pictures...way to be so very cute!

Dress: Aeropostale


  1. I'm IN LOVE WITH THIS DRESS! Wow, you look so smokin' in it! If you're too warm, you can always come over to SF... nice and chilly here. :) I dyed my hair blonde once just because I saw a picture of a blonde wearing a green shirt and the combo appealed to me. You're reminding me of that.

  2. Super cute print on that dress.
    You look adorable

  3. that is my favorite color on you. It makes you glow. :)

  4. Pretty! I love the kelly green with your skin-tone.

  5. omg I want to drive to where ever you are and steal that dress. it is sooo freakin adorable/amazing/beautiful/fun/summery! & you look absolutely fantastic in it! that color green is awesome! cute! & I also like the color of your wall. makes your dress stand out that much more. :)

  6. You ladies are AMAZING! Thank you, and you totally brightened my day =)

  7. i love this summer dress too!! i am in sadly short supply of summer non-pants.
