Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday Fashion....WOO HOO WEEKEND!!!!

Ok so I can't believe it is already is one of my favorite, most comfy outfits ever!!!! i love these jeans and everything else =)
Earings: Target
My attempt at being!
Jeans: Citizens of Humanity, Gifted (Thanks Gina)
T-Shirt: Aeropostale
Necklace: Gifted (Thanks Emery)

This has been sooo much fun so far! Thanks for hosting Emery and Thanks to all you fabulous women for inspiring me to try and be more fashionable =) You are all so great!


  1. you have such a beautiful smile! & I love the comfy look! it's simple but you still look adorable!

  2. is that necklace from our wedding?? I cant believe you still have it!!! :) You are gorgeous... those eyes are show stoppers!

  3. That outfit looks super comfy and classic! I love the light glinting off your necklace in that last pic!
