Wednesday, December 23, 2009 lets just say I'm crazy

I did have something to write about the other day, but then......I have no idea where it went!

We have been crazy busy since our friends came to town, another reason why I love the holiday season. No matter how long it has been since we have seen them, when we all get together we have such great fun! Friends make you want to get out and do something. With all this time on my hands I have been going crazy, I am kind of a semi-O.C.D.-clean-anal-freak, soooooo....with all this lovely time given to me I have cleaned the house maybe 10 times and am constantly checking the hamper to see if more laundry needs to be done. I know I'm crazy. But this is the deal, I am a crazy busy body and I feel guilty when I think I have not accomplished something GRAND during the day.

Let me give you a little example of the strangeness that goes on inside this little head of mine. So the first day free to myself I really wanted to play some video games, but I don't want this break to fly by and have completely wasted my time, soooo..... I play a little game with myself. I start by doing three things around the house, such as cleaning off the counter in the kitchen (check box number one), putting the dishes in the dishwasher (check box number two), sweeping the kitchen floor (check box number three). Ok, so my three things are done, I can now play one level of Pixel Junk Shooter. So off I go onto my cozy little couch, in my comfy cozy little pajamas and play my ONE little level. Level done!

Yup! That's me

Ok time to do three more things around the house; one start laundry, two sweep laundry room floor, three check and organize pantry shelves. So this little, what I like to call, rhythm continues throughout my day until I have fully cleaned the house and done ALL the laundry as well as finished maybe 5 levels in the game.  So I mix fun and work (well kinda more productive fun) together. I really do like cleaning but I also really do like playing video games. So this is how I manage to have a balance on those days when I am at home with no chance of being social.

So maybe this doesn't seem that weird to you all, but when I think about it I surely feel slightly abnormal. But it possibly gets a little stranger. So I do this little rhythm with many things like getting ready, studying, or just whatever else I find able to apply it to. Getting ready I will dry my hair, then do one thing in the house, then come back and do two things to help accomplish getting ready. Then do two things in the house, then come back and do three things (straighten 3 layers of hair, or mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow) and so on. This is just a silly little thing I do and I don't think it is bad or anything, but helps me to feel like I am checking off the list. This is what I like to do, knowing that at the end of the day I at least checked one thing off my list of to do's.

For studying David found me my most favorite thing EVER!!! It is called the pomodoro. What you do is turn the timer on (which you can customize to your liking in regards to time frames) and study for 20 minutes, then you get a 5 minute break, then 20 more minutes of studying. Every 4 study sessions you get a 15 minute break. This helps me to stay focused on my studies, get time for myself, and accomplish my checklists. I downloaded my timer for my dashboard and just have to click on it whenever I want to use this technique. You should definitely check it out here 

I love it and I highly recommend it for my fellow checklisters.

Well I think I have spilled too much weirdness of mine for one day. Merry Christmas Eve Eve!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

How lovely are your branches!

It is Christmas time again! This is my all time favorite season, but this year there is something just not right. I am still greatly enjoying all that Christmas time brings, but deep down inside I feel like it is going too fast and I can't catch up to whatever it is I am suppose to be doing.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE giving presents at Christmas time, but it has been a rough year (as I am sure many already know, and I know we don't have it THAT bad) and unfortunately can't buy presents for anyone. I know presents aren't always about spending money, but I am not creative this year. I can't think to make for people. It is terrible; and even when I do think of stuff to make,  I need money....LAME! I know that is not what the holiday season is about. I am very thankful for our Lord and Savior and ALL that this amazing little baby came and did for us! That is more than enough this holiday season. I just wish I could do more. So here goes, this is my poem for all of my friends and family that mean more to me than I can ever express......I hope you enjoy!

Cozy tranquil season
Tranquil season desired
Salute friends and family
This year which you inspired

Salute friends and family
Marvelous all around
I'm always filled with joy and laughter
My gratitude profound

And the love that's in my heart
Pours out to you today
All you helped us accomplish
More than we can repay

I know it is kinda short and silly....BUT I LIKE IT! And it truly is from my heart. David and I couldn't have done this year without the love and support you all provided to us whether it was a listening ear, harsh accountable words, or generosity that helped us pay the bills.  Thank you!

Now switching tones a bit.

We went and cut a Christmas tree this year. (Thank you Mary and Charles for giving us your extra permit) I was so upset that we might not have a tree this year, but turns out God blessed us with awesome friends who shared the love with us.

We trekked through tons and tons of soft snowy powder on borrowed snowshoes. Had a blast while finding the two "almost perfect" trees. So here is our journey through some colorful images......

Mary and Charles all ready to go

David and I LOVING the snow!

The trek up and down and holy cow.....

Some of us got tired

Then we found it!

Then we dragged it....well mostly David =)

Then it came inside and miraculously transformed from this to.....


I so love Christmas trees and the lovely smell they fill our house with.

P.S. I know I use a lot of exclamation marks, but I feel like this expresses my passion and excitment for most things. So I apologize if you get sick of them, but this is me!


Monday, December 14, 2009

Let's try this....

I am going to try this out....not sure if it will work.....not sure how long I will make it....but I think it might be good for me.

WARNING: I am no writer!

I just have thoughts in my head that I might like to write down. So I probably won't make much sense, but hopefully you enjoy this journey with me.

I will write soon.